Mentha spicata 'Kentucky Colonel' Organic

The official Mint in the Kentucky Derby's mint julep drink!

This new mint is super sweet, it has large leaves , dark green foliage, upright plant performance

and vigorous growth. 

Mentha spicata 'Kentucky Colonel' is easy to grow and fit well in pots.

Plant Characteristics

USDA Hardiness Zone5
Plant Height30 CM
Foliage ColorDark Green
Popular UsageRockery,Fragrance,Salads,Head Aches,Tea,Stomach Aches
Flowering PeriodSummer

Plant Growth

Planting TimeAll year round
Light ExposureFull Sun
Growing Temp (°C)12 (Night), 16(Day)
Propagation UnitsRooted Cuttings, Unrooted Cuttings.
Available AsOrganic, Conventional.
Sales AreaEU, North America – URC Only.
Quantity Per Bag100


*The variety data given in Hishtil's website has been received from the seed breeders and/or producers. Hishtil takes no responsibility or liability for the content.
*Do not use the information as a substitute for the instructions given by the seed companies, their agents or distributors.
*All growing information in Hishtil's website is based on methods and trials used in Israel and are given as general information guidelines only.
*All information details are not meant for use as substitute for the instructions given by the seed companies, their agents or distributors.
*All the pictures in this catalogue are shown for illustration purposes only.
*Availability is subjected to final screening and/or commercial decisions and is likely to change.